Saturday, June 28, 2014

Baby {P's} Birth Story | Tucson Family Birth Story Photographer

Birth stories continue to be one of my most favorite types of sessions!  I just love the anticipation, excitement, emotion and love I get to photograph!  

Even though these are one of my favorites, due to the unknown date of when a baby will arrive, I am only able to book one every few months.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested to get on my calendar.  

"The Birth Day" session includes a pre-delivery meeting/consultation to customize your photography experience, my 24/7 availability around the time of birth, and in addition to a DVD collection of your photos,  a private-online gallery of high resolution + social media images available for viewing, printing, and personal use (convenient for family & friends).  Please contact me for even more details :-)

This month I had the privilege of capturing sweet, little Paige's Birth story!  The anticipation was high during this birth day because neither mom or dad knew if Baby #3 was going to be a boy or girl!

I had such a great time hanging out with Mom and Dad in the hospital as Little {P} got ready to make her arrival!  We laughed, chatted, high fived, and even cried!  Thank you Kristi and Greg for asking me to be apart of such a special family moment.  
